​Christian Formation

Tuesday Bible Study
This cheerful and growing group meets weekly throughout the year on Tuesdays at noon in the conference room in the administration building. It’s jokingly called the “last chance” Bible study by its members, because many of them had never studied the Bible before in their lives, and more than half of the group are retirees. Perhaps obviously, no previous experience is required or expected. The group uses a modified version of the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, combined with mutual invitation.
They read and discuss the Gospel reading for the following Sunday and current events, almost always followed by lunch at a local restaurant. This group meets year round.
Wednesday Evening Zoom Book Study
This group meets on Wednesday Evenings starting at 6:45 pm and is facilitated by John Johnson.
Join us for a book study beginning January 29th on "No Man is an Island" by Thomas Merton. This book is available through multiple book sellers.
Please log in: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81328632350

Sunday Bible Study
This group meets Sunday mornings at 9 am in the Parish Hall with classes led by our Deacon Josh Molnar.
Lenten Sunday Lunches
Join the Rev. Carrie in the Parish Hall for a light lunch, video series, and discussion each Sunday through Lent. We will use the Diocese of West Texas Lenten program, "Here I Am, Send Me".
Sundays at 11:15 am
Upcoming Dates:3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 , 4/6
(Luncheon on March 30th will be held early due to combined 9 am service)