Upcoming Events
St. Francis Community

St. Francis Women of the Church (WOTC) next meeting will be on Wednesday, Feb 12th at 6 pm located at Jason's Deli at 9933 IH-10 West. We welcome all women of the church. It's a good way to become better acquainted with other St. Francis ladies and learn

St. Francis Food
Food Pick Up and Packing: Thursday, Feb 13th. Volunteers are needed to unload and pack food from 11:30am-1pm.
Food Distribution: Saturday, Feb 15th. Volunteers are needed to pack and distribute food from 8:45am-12pm.

Pub Theology
Join us at 7 pm for Mardi Gras inspired food and Lenten Discussion, on Friday, Feb 28th
Location: TBD

Youth Group
St. Francis Youth Group will meet on March 2nd at 11:15 in the Parish Hall for fellowship, games and a casual lesson. Lunch will be provided. (Ages 5 & up).

Please join us for food and fellowship in the parish hall on Tuesday, March 4th at 6pm, on the eve of Lent.
*Event hosted by the Men of the Church.

Imposition of Ashes
8 am & 12 pm
Imposition of Ashes & Holy Euchairst
6 pm