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As a Christian community, the people of St. Francis gather for worship each Sunday. Our service follows a style handed down to us by centuries of Christian tradition. Each week, we read from sacred scriptures, we meditate and reflect on those readings, we pray (for ourselves, each other, the community around us, and the world), and we share communion. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion at the Lord's table.
In the Eucharist, we believe that Jesus is truly present with us, as he assured us he would be, when we share bread and wine in the way he told us. In the Eucharist, we find a connection with God, and with a community both present, and yet beyond ourselves.
Each of us is on a spiritual journey, seeking the path to a sustaining relationship with God and with others. We at St. Francis are people who have chosen to undertake that journey together, as a part of a living tradition which speaks to us profoundly, and challenges us to grow into a deeper faith. No matter where you are in your journey of faith, there is a place for you with us.
At St. Francis, our worship follows the Book of Common Prayer, in two different styles each Sunday morning.
8:00 am: quiet, contemplative Rite II service with no music.
10:00 am: Rite II service with combination of traditional and praise music.
A full bulletin of the service is available that includes all words and music.
We also offer a service of Holy Eucharist and Healing every Wednesday at noon.
We have assisted listening devices upon request, and our sanctuary and other offices are handicap-accessible.
We refer to our services as liturgy, which means the official corporate worship of the Church (corporate being what we do together as a body, as opposed to what we do as individuals).
It is a central tenet of our worship that there are no spectators; all are participants. Different people have different roles, but all roles are equally important. The people in the congregation are no less participants in our worship than those with different functions who sit in the front and wear vestments.
If you are interested in serving in any of the roles below, we would welcome your participation. All of them require a brief common-sense orientation, some require more formal training. Contact the church office if you are interested: (210) 696-0834.