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The church is led by a vestry, a group of members of the congregation, elected to serve three-year terms. The vestry, along with its committees, makes the budget, sets policy, reviews the finances, and cares for church property. The vestry meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:15pm; vestry meetings are always open to the public. Current vestry members are: Susan Correa (Senior Warden), Kevin Sykes (Junior warden), Liz Branaum (Treasurer), Karen Gusse (Clerk), Denise Brown, Kim Schlecht, John Marsh, John Johnson, Bob Snow, and Paul Look
Meet The Vestry
Paul Look
John Marsh
Bob Snow
Kim Schlecht
Susan Correa
Sr. Warden
Kevin Sykes
Jr Warden
Liz Branaum
Denise Brown
Karen Gusse
John Johnson
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